Read the article below to learn the inspiring story of Molly Hale, who currently holds the rank of godan—5th degree black belt—in Aikido. I’ve had the pleasure and privilege of training with Molly at several seminars. and she’s been a good friend and mentor on my Aikido journey. She’s a strong, positive, sweet woman, a passionate equestrian, and a brilliant singer, too!

Imagine having that kind of ability to work with what life deals you, instead of living in denial, pushing back against your circumstances with anger or negativity, or just giving up.
Hale credits Aikido for the unfailing mental resolve and resilience that powered her through the challenging, years-long recovery process.
— Carolyn Gregoire of The Huffington Post, in her article How This Woman Went From Quadriplegic To Black Belt — And Is Helping Others Do The Same
“In Aikido, you’re going with the flow and you’re responding to the attack that shows up. On some level, it was almost as though I had been in training all of my life for this experience,” says Hale.
Be sure to watch the video, Moment to Moment, at the end of the article.