If you are new to reading blogs (short for “web logs”), here’s something handy you should know about poking around and finding things you’re interested in reading.
When I write an article, or a “post,” I can “tag it” with one or more terms that describe the topics covered in the post. These help you discover it later. Unlike filing each thing under a single category, a post can have several tags. A poem about about practicing weapons forms in the backyard, Late at Night, could be tagged both poetry and weapons. So it doesn’t have to be limited to an either/or decision about where something belongs.
Let’s say I write a post called Acceleration. As in rocket sled. It’s about my learning style, based on my experience at recent seminars, with some reflections on training a lot. I can give it three tags: learning, seminars, and training. You’ll see these tags just below the colorful social media sharing buttons at the bottom of most posts, next to a little gray “tag” symbol. If you’ve just finished a post about learning, and are interested in reading more on that subject, click the learning tag there and you’ll see all my posts about learning.
When you are in the My Aikido Blog section of this site you’ll see a block of Popular Tags in the right-hand sidebar. This collage of words is called a “tag cloud” – the bigger the word, the most posts there are with that tag. There are a lot of posts about exams, and a few about meditation. Just click one that looks interesting, and you’ll see all the posts with that tag.
I can create new tags, write more posts using existing tags, and add tags to old posts I might have missed tagging when I first posted them, so this is an ever-expanding, dynamic tool you can use for browsing.