
Make your own OSensei!

I’ve never “reblogged” anything, but this is too much fun to pass up. It’s a very cool little project from the Argentinian Aikido Organization, It was posted on a very cool blog, Zanshin Art. I can’t believe I wasn’t already following her posts. You might also want to. Enjoy.

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This is brilliant. I haven’t run into anyone quite like this yet, but a few who definitely reminded me of this scenario. Kudos to “mdejoya” on YouTube, who created this.

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On Saturday morning we had a really interesting class, with lots of fun exercises, including a sort of 6-uke slow/easy randori, which was really enlightening. Then there were exams – two for 6th kyu, and a 4th kyu. Dang, that 4th kyu test looks challenging (and exhausting).

After class we had a BBQ/potluck party, with inflatable Sumo suits. We often have some kind of party after exams, plus this time Jason and Karen (the two in the video, along with Sensei) were celebrating 10 years in Aikido. A fantastic time (and lunch) was had by all.

You can see more videos of all the fun on my YouTube Channel, under Aikido of San Diego:

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